I might ob had a little too much of the bubbly juice….



Happy New Year eberybody!! xoxo

If you are in the time zone for new year now… Happy New Year!!   Please don’t tell the rest ob us what happens yet.

As the year starts to change around the globe…. Happy New Year!   If it’s not your time yet, come back later.

Today we trabeled to Utah!  We went for bizness, but since it’s kind ob holiday times we just went to the ice castle place and it was soooo bootiful!   I fink we will make an ice castle bizness.  We can bring some back home to CA and sell them online.  Milo said it won’t work, but I fink it might.    We by da house ob Michelle Luchansky-Marostica who sent us the license, but she wasn’t dere.   So FANK YOU Michelle, we had a great time in Utah and no one went to jail!   We had a great year for bizness, hopefully next year we can get all the states completed so we don’t get a big sad.


Just a bite of dat scome please before our trabels!   We hab to go to Utah today on bizness.   Can’t trabel on an empty stomach.

Scientifficaly speaking…some ob the best fings about holiday times are smashed taters and corms!

What a lovely surprise!   I got a large container of Tide from my boys.  Best gift ever!!   I hope you all were as lucky.  xoxo  MM


Last year, Marty originated the Christmas Chicken.d


I’m outta here…
