I hope eberyone is habbing a good donut day!! It’s been a great success. If you habn’t had your donut yet, you can call the Nashunal Donut Hotline at 1-555-MYDONUT to claim yours and get express delibery.

As part ob a good Presidentshul health plan, I had to hab a check up today, but afterwards I get to stop for a donut! P.S. Eberyfing looks good.  Now how many donuts can I carry home…

Ob course we wouldn’t leabe Milo and Wimby out of the pin fun – we just listed their limited edition pins too!  You can pre-order them now if you want to, then go hab a snack.  And maybe a nap.  Store ob Cute Fings

I hab to get back to doing President stuff.   xo  Fibbs

Time for afternoon nanner and kale snack! I’ll just take dis ober here wiff my kale.  ok?