The eclipse is starting!  Eberybody get your glasses and get your eclipse donuts ready. If you don’t hab one yet, run to Krispy Kreme real quick and get some.  Remember don’t look at your donuts wiffout solar glasses on.  As you can see here in Calfornia, we do not hab 100% totality ob eclipse, maybe 90% it seems,  but they will still taste pretty great.  Glasses are on, ready…eat!

Hai Eberyone!  Dis Milo. Wimbley says hai. He is working on a poem about dis. All ob us here in Heaben send our lub to earff!!

Just in case you were wondering about the non-donut porshun ob the eclipse today, here is what you need to know…


Any questshuns?

Eclipse donuts are coming from Krispy Kreme!  Once in a lifetime!!  Do you hab your glasses ready??

Here’s a baby Bimby to make your day better.

Last night it was such beautiful weather here we all sat outside and talked about gobernment, science and stuff.  I like getting fresh air, but I had my donut towel ob protecshun just to be safe out in the wild.

After I enjoy my corm on a log, I hab been finkin’ I habn’t done an executib order lately.   What law should I make today??  Maybe ban shake base in restaurants.  Shake base is a liquid they put in shakes so they can use less ice cream and it creates more air and filler flabors so they make more profit and we get less shake.  I fink it’s cheating and it doesn’t taste as good as real ice cream.  These people need to be stopped!


I did a bunch ob cooking and goberning today, so it’s time for my afternoon nap – wiff Teddy ob course!  He’s also a member ob Secret Serbice and watches out for me when I sleep.

Picking imgrediemts for lunch.  These look a little past their prime.

I made chocy cobered starberries!  It was fun.  I fink they turned out really good!  Want one??