We hab a problem and we should talk about it.  Mom has taken elebenty zillion pictures ob us, and there just isn’t time to post them all.  We hab been here eleben days, and the posts are only on day 3, so we will speed it up, but that means photos dumps like this one – wiff just a bunch ob cute!  Here is us playing fort and stuff.

Hab you heard about residoo!?!?  It’s amazing!!  We will tell Cosmo all about it when he wakes up from his nap.


From our one and only foreber President.  “Enjoy this Monday, enjoy some sock time and hab a donut!!”

We need to hang this sign up so people know we lib here now.  Maybe we need one wiff our names too.  I know just the guy to call!  Dabid at Cheltenham Road.  You hab a phone??

There!  Looks perfect…

We apologize in advance for any heart of respiratory troubles this may cause. Consider this a warning, view at your own risk. – Management

We are still learning what serbices are abailable to us.  “‘Scuse me, is there late night room serbice for snacks?”

“I dunno Bean…I don’t see a menu.”

I hab a carrot.


Me too!

Don’t worry, it’s not an ebil genius behind me, it’s just my dad!  We did some fambily pictures.  Not all together, we are working on that, but we can’t keep mom and dad in the same place for long….