We have one more stop on this bizness trip before we go to Louisiana to pick up Mom and come home. We are in Pennsylbania! There’s a whole town ob chocolate here, where you can learn about it, eat it, and eben take baffs in it.  All the street lights are shaped like kisses, and the air smells so good!   They had classes about cooking chocolate fings, so we are going to stick around and learn some good techniques, and hopefully get to taste lots of chocolate goodies.  Bean is going to be master chef today and he will try to make enough for eberyone.  As he makes the fudge and cookies, me and Cosmo are packaging it up and tying little bows on it to make it pretty. After the cooking class, we are going to take some of what we made out to Lancaster County and sell it at a food festibal.

Fank you Mitzi Trostle!  Are you ready to join us for your chocolate baff?

P.S. dis Augie

Our trabel tube turns norff and we find ourselbes in Nebada for bizness. Most people would head straight to the strip in Las Begas, but we were more interested in historical artifacts that we could learn from past bizness stuff.  It’s called the neon grabeyard.  You can learn a lot from fings that happened in yesteryear, we hear Nebada is a great place do bizness, and low taxes.  Nobody wants to pay too much in tax monies, we would rather go to all the great buffets around here, and if you go at the end of the lunch price, you can get in for less and then they start bringing out the dinner stuff too.  You hab to hab a good buffet strategy.

And if you happen to be in Portland tomorrow, be sure to stop by Ratstock.  We will be appearing wiff our dad via Skype, and there will be a Presidentshul Biscuit sing-a-long!  – Bean

Fanks Carole Littlefield!

Good morning eberyone!  Today we are headed to Arizoma to check out some cabe bizness. We looked abunch ob different cabes, they were so pretty, I was finking they would be dark and scary, but these were all orange and swirly and had nice animals in there.  A good place for bizness.  The only problem is that the floors are are uneben and Bean stubbed his toe and we had to call the ambulance, and they had trouble finding the right cabe, so that might be an issue and we need to put better signs up.  Bean is ok, by the time the ambulance found us his toe didn’t hurt anymore. One on the new cabe friends said if we peed on it it would feel better, and I was pretty skeptical, but we did it and it worked!  So next time you stub your toe, keep that in mind.  – Cosmo

Fank you Carole Littlefield!


Today our trabel tube takes us to Northern Kemtucky specifically, where we hear they hab different bizness from regular Kemtucky.  We visited the Roebling Suspenshun Bridge, which was the prototype for the Brooklyn Bridge.  Marty took a walk on dat bridge once wiff a red umbrella.  Remember?  Bean had to find the Florence Y’All water tower and then we all enjoyed the biew of Cincinnati – which is in Ohio.  But we don’t hab Ohio bizness yet, so we couldn’t go ober there.  See, Cosmo photobombed my picture.  Brothers….   Time to enjoy some good southern food y’all, they hab good snacks here!  – Augie

Fank you Brandon Wheeler and Alina Allread!

Cosmo it’s my turn!!

my picture wiffout CosMo.



Our next stop is Souff Dakota!  We hab some Presidentshul bizness here, we are checking on the plans to add Fibbs to Mount Rushmore.  I hab to say we are bit disappointed in the progress, but the drafts look good and it’s going to be amazing when it’s finished.  You will hab to come visit and take a Presidentshul selfie here.  There will be a Presidentshul Biscuit stand here so you can hab a snack during your bisit, and ob course donuts too.

We also got to go to the Corm Palace!  We brought some taters from Idaho, so we had the best lunch eber, fresh Corms and taters!!  The corm palace is made ob corm, has facts about corm, sells corm and stuff, and there is guy outside that tells jokes.  But they are kind ob cormy.

Fank you Ginny Brown Rud for this important biznes!!




Good morning eberyone!  We are taking the week off school to do some trabels.  Mom is traveling too, but she had to go on a plane.  We are still using the trabel tube, we are hoping to finish up science class and get the trabel juice recipe figured out soon.

First stop is Idaho, where we are learning all about taters!  The tater museum is really fun, Bean got a Tater t-shirt. Augie is taking a cooking class and went to the fields to get some fresh taters.  I fink he is making smashed taters, I can’t wait to try them!  We hab learned a lot ob fings about taters we never knew.  Did you know the largest tater eber was 7 pounds, 1 ounce!?!  That’s a BIG tater, need lots ob corm to do wiff it.  Marie Antoinette used to wear tater blossoms in her hair.  We do not endorse that fashion trend.  That’s sounds weird.

Fank you Barbara Magin for the tater bizness!  You want us to save you some taters? – Cosmo

aho Bizness

Today at school we played a game where we collected all these post-its, and it’s really fun! I got hungry so I ate one for lunch.  P.S. Dis Augie.

Today we had an extended class about taping fings.  Turns out taping can be pretty tricky, starting wiff finding where the tape starts, but also including being careful not to tape your hair or whiskers to stuff.  It’s a serious bizness, so you hab to study and practice a lot to get it right.  There are many kinds ob tape, but the one we use most for Internashunal Bizness is packing tape.  As you can see we studied hard, but also had some fun, which is berry important in life.  –  Bean

“It’s hard to hula hoop wiff it!” – Augie