We didn’t really go to Ireland for this photo shoot because the trabel tube would take too long, and it’s kind ob risky crossing the ocean wiff it.  It has to do wiff the difference in the UK and US scales ob volicity and the dimensions and standing up to the water pressure and stuff, it’s complicated.  Anyway, since we don’t drink and couldn’t go to Ireland, we weren’t sure what to do, so we put on green hats and made like leprechauns and went to a parade.

Hab a happy day and stay safe!  Don’t drink and dribe.  And don’t go around pinching people just because they didn’t wear green, because maybe they just forgot and no one likes being pinched.

Afternoon class was the Element “AH!” So we practiced all day long – we are finking of some fun ways to surprise mom, but we can’t tell you because she will probably see this.


  (He will neber suspect I will be down here!)


Today we learned about the element “Ha” – it was a fun one and fink we got this one down.

Q. What’s the best part about living in Switzerland?

A. Not sure, but the flag is a big plus.

I can tell we will use this knowledge in the real world for sure!

Our first lesson in school was the element ob Apathy.

It wasn’t that great or exciting, maybe the next one will be better.

No fanks, I don’t need these, I can see the board just fine.


Hai eberybody!!

I am taking a break from doing Heaben stuff to talk to you a minute about the importance ob Milanos.  They are great! Best cookies eber. So I wanted to make sure dat Cosmo, Augie and Bean know dat too.  We all shared a bag, and I’m taking a few back wiff me to share wiff Milo, Wimbley and Fibbs.

I know the boys started school today and I saw what a great job they did! I hab the utmost confidence in dem to be really smart and do good Internashunal Bizness. We eben had our first rocketry and space training class before the offishul start ob school because I wanted to be there wiff dem for that, as you remember space was kind of my fing.  Ok, I better get back, but it’s really nice to eberybody again.  I lub you!!

P.S. Dis Marty.
P.P.S.  Dis was two weeks ago, I hab to keep my bisits top secret under cober.




It’s today!!  The first day ob school.  We are all a little nerbous, but also excited. Our ciriculum has such challenging subjects like elements ob emoshun, taping stuff, diribitibs, paper clips and other stuff, but the one we are most excited about…stapling! We hab our lunch monies and are ready to get started.  Wish us luck!

Next stop was Kemtucky, it was a little warmer there.  Augie went to bisit a unibersity to get some tips for school.  I fink he is a little bit nerbous about classes.  I took Cosmo to a distillery tour, but only I was the only one old enuff to hab a sample.  We learned about how they boil some fings in a big pot, and then put it in barrels for a long time, and somehow that is supposed to make it taste good. They offered me a taste, but no fank you!  That stuff smelled like rocket fuel.  One ob the first biznesses we open here will be one where we make tasty drinks that taste like cheese and don’t have to stay in a barrell first.  Probably one you can drink fru straws, because straws are fun.  Cheesy straw drinks!  Watch for it.

We hurried home after that because we heard in Kentucky, a women who wears red panties on a Sunday must marry the first rat who proposes. So we go out ob there fast before we ended up married. We are too young for that – or for hanging out wiff girls that wear red panties!

Fank you Margie Rick for trusting us wiff Kemtucky and Minnesota bizness!

If you want to help us wiff our bizness or don’t know what it is, you can check out this page:   COSMO, AUGIE and BEAN BIZNESS LICENSE page to see what states we need, and how it works.