Tag Archive for: alaska

It got a little warm in Hawaii wiff all that laba coming at us, so we went norff to Alaska to do a bit more science for school credit.  Bean set up a base camp at the base ob a mountain, wiff our help, and we are doing experiments about the melting glaciers and doing some ice core drilling.  We will analyze the samples of the ice core to see what we can learn from those.

Last night we watched the norffern lights, which make the sky all different colors, it’s really kind ob amazing!  The bright dancing lights of the aurora are actually collisions between electrically charged particles from the sun that enter the earff’s atmosphere. The lights are seen above the magnetic poles ob the northern and southern hemispheres. Hab you seen it?  You probably hab heard about it in that song from the Muppet mobie… “Aurora Borealis, shining down on Dallas, can you picture that?”  I like Fozie Bear the best, he has a nice hat. Those guys trabeled alot too.

It was fun, but we are looking forward to going home and finishing school at MSOB.  The only problem is, we seem to be a little low on trabel juice.

Fanks to Barbara Magin for the great Alaska bizness!