Tag Archive for: Bizness

On to Switzerland to do some Internashunal bizness and find some chocolate!!   Hey, Mr. Cow, you got any chocolate?  No?  He said try up in the billage.  We went to the billage and met some nice people and saw some cute stores and amazing landscapes, look at those big mountains!  I fink someone said they are called Alf, like the aliem guy on teebee.  But so far no chocolate to be found, we are getting really hungry! I fink we will hab to go to Zurich and find Dani and see if she habs any chocolate for us.  Can’t concemtrate on bizness wiffout our chocolate fix.  Or maybe some cheese.  I wonder if they hab any swiss cheese around here.   Dis Cosmo.  On a qwest for cheese and chocolate!!

Fank you berry much Dani Pine. You said these were made wiff lub.  Yep, we could tell.  xo

Dis Cosmo. We are bisiting the probence ob Ontario today, and it’s really pretty here!  King Bean did a bit ob offishul bizness wiff your PM which went berry well, and Augie did some site seeing, including this swell bridge.  I found a mobie theater showing a Canadiam classic… Strange Brew wiff Bob and Doug MacKenzie.

Cosmo’s Fancy Pants Mobie Rebiews and Cultural Commentary – Strange Brew
Dis mobie is about a couple ob guys dat run out ob beer money and put a mouse in a bottle ob beer then complain to the manufacturers ob the beer in order to get more beer, so they gib them a job inspecting the beer bottles for mice, and a bunch ob other stuff happens, but I didn’t really like it because it didn’t make sense.  Finding a mouse in your bottle would be great!  It’s like a new friend, not somefing bad so I wasn’t really paying attenshun after dat.

Fank you Eva Amaya and Tyler McMullen, we will meet you for dinner to hab some French Canadiam tater fries wiff graby and maple syrup.  Ok?

It was a long ride, but we finally made it to our first stop on dis trabel adbenture… Birginia!  King Bean paid a bisit to the FBI HQ ASAP to relay Fibbs salutashuns and check in on them and fank them for the job they are doing.  The captain gave Bean a scooter tour ob the facilities and they discussed some top secret state secrets stuff he told me I can’t tell you.  Augie went to a military aquarium museum and looked at some fishes and missles and new fish suits for stealth attacks via waterways.  But we really shouldn’t talk about that either.

I found a mobie theater so I could gib you a rebiew from Cosmo’s Fancy Pants Cultural Commentary and Mobie Rebiews.   I saw a mobie called Eighth Grade and if you want to be reminded ob how awkward and embarrassing it can feel to be in middle school, you should go see it.  It’s really good at making you remember how squirmy and weird school can make you feel.  I’m so glad we are done wiff school, but it actually wasn’t bad for us because our school was all boys. But anyway, it was a good mobie, and you should probably go see it.  Nuffing explodes in it and no super heroes.  I won’t spoil it and tell you if she makes it to ninth grade or not.  The popcorm was good.

They say Birginia is for Lubbers, but we are all single, so we are mobing on to our next stop before all the girls start chasing us and try to kiss us.

Fanks to our buddy Bert (& Ernie & Princess Celestia & Kebin Stanbinsky) for hooking us up wiff the bizness here – we lub you guys!  Keep up the good science and reading reports.  P.S. dis Cosmo

We hab trabeled to Wisconsim!  Our mom and dad went to UW-Madison so we wanted to check it out and they told us all the good places to go.  Dad learned to be a mobie expert here, so he showed Cosmo all around Bilas Hall and where he worked in the film history part ob the Wimbley Library.  Cosmo got us all in to a see a mobie at the Orpheum theater on State Street,  after an afternoon on Lake Mendota eating some Babcock ice creams on the patio by the lake.  As we were taking a tour ob the Unibersity, all ob a sudden we heard a band and big crowd calling our names.  The students and staff had a rousing welcome for King Bean on Bascom hill, and brought enuff cheese curds for eberyone to share! People here are really nice.

Fank you Sarah McLaughlin for Wisconsin bizness, I fink it’s a great place to start seberal different fings here in the great white norff!  (*Not always white, but mom told us about a time she walked to class and her eyelashes froze shut, so it made me fink ob a good bizness opportunity to sell hand held face de-freezers.  Sounds like they need them here.)

It’s trabel juice time again!  We hab a few more places lined up to go and do some Internashunal Bizness.  Our stapler is packed and our first stop is Georgia.  We went to Atlanta and bistited the fishes at the aquarium, but we aboided the shark tank because we like to be nice when we do bizness, those sharks can be a little rude.  Cosmo went to see a mobie at the Fox Theater.  Deborah sent some popcorm wiff our licenses, so only had to buy some drinks and we joined Cosmo and watched the mobie wiff him.  Cosmo will tell you more about it later in his “Cosmo’s Fancy Pants Mobie Rebiews and Cultural Commentary” segment.  It was a bit hot and humid here, but we had a great time.  See you soon y’all!

Fank you Deborah Sweat!  Fanks for your patience waiting for us to come see you.

Stapling is one ob the most important fings in Internashunal Bizness, you need to know how to do it right.


It got a little warm in Hawaii wiff all that laba coming at us, so we went norff to Alaska to do a bit more science for school credit.  Bean set up a base camp at the base ob a mountain, wiff our help, and we are doing experiments about the melting glaciers and doing some ice core drilling.  We will analyze the samples of the ice core to see what we can learn from those.

Last night we watched the norffern lights, which make the sky all different colors, it’s really kind ob amazing!  The bright dancing lights of the aurora are actually collisions between electrically charged particles from the sun that enter the earff’s atmosphere. The lights are seen above the magnetic poles ob the northern and southern hemispheres. Hab you seen it?  You probably hab heard about it in that song from the Muppet mobie… “Aurora Borealis, shining down on Dallas, can you picture that?”  I like Fozie Bear the best, he has a nice hat. Those guys trabeled alot too.

It was fun, but we are looking forward to going home and finishing school at MSOB.  The only problem is, we seem to be a little low on trabel juice.

Fanks to Barbara Magin for the great Alaska bizness!



Today we learned the basic techniques ob stapling, taping and paper clipping, basic office stuffs.  Paper clips are great for Internashunal Bizness, it’s tricky though because they can crease the paper, so you hab to do it carefully or it will be a mess.  Stapling is good for almost eberyfing and better than clipping, but it’s good to know the back up practices just in case you run out ob stables or somefing.  Taping is good for some stuff if you don’t want to put holes in it wiff staples, but sometimes it’s not strong enuff.  It’s all kind of complicated.

We only hab a few more classes before we granulate!  We will get to our adbanced stapling classes wiff the red stapler dis week I fink.  Exciting stuff is coming.  – dis Bean

It’s berry serious bizness.

I clipped these bizness papers together so they don’t get lost.

Cosmo was more interested in snacks, but his pursuits seem to be more artistic anyway, so dats ok.

Staple Eberyfing!!

Our last stop for the dis part ob our midwest bisit is Nebraska!  It’s pretty fun here, and the people are berry nice.  Augie went to see a place where they made a Stonehenge out ob cars, but he couldn’t figure out how they got them up there.

It just so happened a big meeting ob world leaders were habing a conference about Nashunal Parks and climate change at the Chimney Rock Historical site, so King Bean gab up his plan ob sitting in the fields eating corms to attend and try to sabe the world.

And me, Cosmo…I went to the mobies in Lincoln NE!  I really like mobies and might be a mobie rebiewer and other fings cultural. Maybe I hab tummy buttons to hold up my fancy pants for a reason.

‘Scuse me for a sec…  Don’t forget the popcorm!   “Yes, I want a large please.  Where is the butter blower?”   Ok, well I gotta go, the show is about to start.  After it’s ober hab to hurry home to celebrate the last few hours ob Donut Day!

Fank you Jennifer Schreck!  If you can get here in fibe minutes you can watch the mobie wiff me.