Tag Archive for: fire

Well, we tried to help wiff the fire as best we could.  It’s still going, but the other firemen are taking a turn now.  I left my bike on the road and the asphalt got so hot it melted from the heat from the fire, so before we really start trabeling, I had to buy a new tire and replace the melty one so I don’t stick to the road.  Looks like new!

Dis is honorary fire Captain Bean. After we set off on our adventure a few days ago we didn’t get very far until we ran into these giant fires. And of course we wanted to help. Fankfully we did have a fire training course at Marty’s School ob Bizness, so we know how to be safe and had to stop and help.

Step one: make sure you have your safety gear on correctly. Coordinate with other officials and develop a plan. Then you can start squirting the water.  It’s always good to have a first aid kit nearby. It’s important to stay hydrated, but don’t drink out ob the hose,  The water comes out really fast and it can go up your nose and cause all sorts ob problems like drowning.

We have been helping for the last 24 hours being sure to take breaks, stay hydrated and rested. Not eberybody should come out and help unless you hab the proper firefighter training. But there are ways you can help too. Lots ob animals are losing their homes so you can leave a bowl of water out in your backyard if you live nearby to help wildlife on their way through. Or you can see if any of the animal shelters nearby need help or extra carriers and stuff, or help people ebacuate – stuff like dat.

Remember, safety first!  Fire is berry serious so listen to the authorities.  Don’t be a hero.  Leave dat to us!