Tag Archive for: oxbow

Our Oxbow box is here!! We got some Presidentshul Biscuits (aka Essentials Adult Rat Food) which ob course is a staple in our house since Fibbs gabe them his offishul endorffment. We also got a small Flip & Roll toy which is fun to play wiff AND we also got some Organic Barley Biscuits that are shaped like a heart! I fink we better stop talking now so we can hab a snack…


@oxbowanimalhealth #rats #ratlove #petstagram #ratsofinsta #noms #snacks #cuteanimals #ratsofinstgram #smallanimalinfluencer #rat

Hands off my Presidentshul Biscuits!!

I’m thrilled to announce that Oxbow Animal Health is hosting the Nurture Their Nature Small Animal Rescue Gib back!  Nominate your faborite small animal rescue to win a share of $5,000 from 8/12-8/26 at http://ow.ly/mvor30pgJUb.   Do it!!  The rescues need it, so nominate your faborites today!
#NTNGiveback  #OxbowSponsored

Mom!!! What are these??  Can we hab some??  We lub nanners!!   #oxbowsponsored

Yes!!  Oxbox Nanner Treats make me happy…

The Candy Corm Elf lubs them too!


We stopped for a snack on our road trip – we found some crunchy Beggie Treats at dis hotel.  Gotta get some good body fuel, we are headed to Canada, our first stop on some Internashunal adbentures!!     #oxbowsponsored