Tag Archive for: surgery

Dis is Milo here wiff you tonight on MNN.  We hab some serious state bizness to tell you about dis ebening.  Tomorrow morning President Fibbs will be habing surgery for a bump on his arm.  We expect eberyfing to go smoothly, but we hab the powers ob transfer papers signed ober to Fibbs Feltman during the time he will be unconscious – so rest assured the peoples bizness will still get done and donuts will still flow freely as the President recobers.  Right now Secret Serbice is vetting the vet, and securing the surgical center and surrounding buildings to make sure nuffing happens and the President is safe.  Ebery precaution is being taken.

We all fank you for watching and will update you wiff his progress as soon as we know somefing.  Back to you in the studio…

