Tag Archive for: Winter Carnival

We took our last weekend before school starts to do a little more trabeling bizness.  Wiff the trabel tube it takes a little longer to get places, so we only got to two.

First stop…MINNESOTA!  It was Winter Carnibal so we saw all the beautiful ice castles and fireworks, but we didn’t hab our hats, only our scarbes, so we couldn’t stay long.  It was really cold! But we did get some ice cream at the Grand Old Creamery anyway, it’s neber too cold for ice cream, and then we headed to Kemtucky!

Fank you Margie Rick!!

If you want to help us wiff our bizness or don’t know what it is, you can check out this page:   COSMO, AUGIE and BEAN BIZNESS LICENSE page to see what states we need, and how it works.