Tag Archive for: wisconsin

We hab trabeled to Wisconsim!  Our mom and dad went to UW-Madison so we wanted to check it out and they told us all the good places to go.  Dad learned to be a mobie expert here, so he showed Cosmo all around Bilas Hall and where he worked in the film history part ob the Wimbley Library.  Cosmo got us all in to a see a mobie at the Orpheum theater on State Street,  after an afternoon on Lake Mendota eating some Babcock ice creams on the patio by the lake.  As we were taking a tour ob the Unibersity, all ob a sudden we heard a band and big crowd calling our names.  The students and staff had a rousing welcome for King Bean on Bascom hill, and brought enuff cheese curds for eberyone to share! People here are really nice.

Fank you Sarah McLaughlin for Wisconsin bizness, I fink it’s a great place to start seberal different fings here in the great white norff!  (*Not always white, but mom told us about a time she walked to class and her eyelashes froze shut, so it made me fink ob a good bizness opportunity to sell hand held face de-freezers.  Sounds like they need them here.)