I was ready for bed, den I started finking about science.   I was wondering what kind ob fish is made from only two sodium atoms?   2Na!    Fank you and good night.

I heard someone was missing me.  I hab just been flying around in my brother Oliber’s pajamas.

Dis is an outrage!!  We took some trabel juice to go to Maryland, and while we were dere to pick up our bizness license, Milo bisited the Chesapeake Bay, and Wimbley took in some bootiful scenery (dey both had fun and it was lubbly), but I tried to go to a mobie wiff my friend Lionel and they would not let him in!   They said it is illegal for me to take a lion to a mobie!  Can you belieb dat?!?   Lionel is great guy and dat made him weally sad.   We were going to hab popcorm and snacks.  He was looking forward to it.

A big fanks to Margaret Holzman for dese lubbly licenses!  We appreciate it so much, but please talk to your state about the not taking Lionel to be mobies law, it’s a trabesty.


It’s ok Lionel… I will stay out here wiff you.  I heard the last three episodes ob Star Wars sucked anyway.  Dats what my dad says.  The new one should be better and we can see it back home in Califorbia wiff you.  Let’s go get some donuts.


Please let me hab the whole fing!!  It’s just a baby one…. I won’t get a tummy ache I pwomise.   Pleeeeze….

Dis is my magical recipe book.  It has different recipes ebery time you look at it!  I’m trying to find some good snacks for Fibbs to make for us.