A message about Augie

Hi everyone.  MM here.  I have something kind of serious to tell you today.  There was a freak rat pile accident this weekend, and Augie’s eye was injured pretty badly.  Thankfully even though it was Sunday, his regular vet was on the Sunday rotation and we were able to get him seen immediately.  He got some pretty good pain meds (judging by his behavior later that night) and is resting comfortably.  We went in for a recheck this morning, and it’s still too early to know what the fate of his eye will be, but we are hoping for the best!  Tonight he is chilling and enjoying some peas.   (Photo is obviously pre-trauma, enjoying some burgers).

Augie wrote a little poem for you about his adbenture:

My mom freaked out and called for Dad
my brothers hoped they wouldn’t be mad,
It was an accident, but kind ob a bad one
I know whatcha your finkin’
“I want to gib Augie some tasty snacks”, right?
(ok, back to the poem)
Ninja mobes weren’t eben the cause
those ususally only demand applause
It remains to be seen how dis will turn out,
but eben if I can see out it or not
I’ll still be happy wiff the one I got!   ~ dis Augie


23 replies
  1. Paula
    Paula says:

    Ohhh Augie baby, I had to bust out laughing when I got to da food part. True to form, snack’s must come first. Feel better soon lub. You hab lot’s ob people out der rooting for you.

  2. Nat
    Nat says:

    O noes, Sweet Augie! Let me guess, while all scrambling on each other, someone’s back foot got him. Healing and loving thoughts to you all.

  3. Joni Loubet-LaBonté
    Joni Loubet-LaBonté says:

    I’m sure all ob you is debestated…we knows dat nobody meant to hurt him and dat is what was just nasty bad thing, but wez all believe in our hearts all will be well. We here iz all sending all sorts of white healing lights, special to you Augie, but also to yours broders…dey hurts when you hurt <3 Heal quickly our furry broder… <3. …..
    dis message is from all ob us (including Mummi)….Sir Cornelius, Sebastian and Oliver….

  4. Linda
    Linda says:

    Oh, poor Augie! I hope your eye gets better soon! I know your mom and dad will take the very best care of you. Lots of hugs and snacks!

  5. Paul Littlefield
    Paul Littlefield says:

    Hey, little guy! I’m sorry for the accident and hope you’re feeling better soon. Ratties can make amazing recoveries, so I’m sure you’ll be right as rain in a few days. Tell those brothers of yours to be more careful next time!

  6. victoria
    victoria says:

    Oh Augie, how worrying for everyone—–you, your brothers, your Mom and Dan and all of us who love you. Keeping my fingers crossed that your little eye heals quickly and you will be back to your old self soon.

  7. Linda Adams
    Linda Adams says:

    Augie, blessings and prayers you will be healthy, but even if you only have one eye you will still be a great ninja warrior, just like Yagyu Jubei.


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