I am A Ratato

Hai eberybody – dis Augie.  I hab a big surgery yesterday, and I’m feeling pretty good all fings considered!  Probably all your thoughts, prayers and good fings you sent helped it go well.  Ive been eating, drinking and lots ob napping.  Today – i am ratato.

BIG fanks to Dr. Peth and the staff at Arbor Animal Hospital for raking such good care ob me!!

8 replies
  1. Yaneece love
    Yaneece love says:

    Aww Augie you look so comfy,lotsa sleep is good,and ob cours treats n fluids,happy you ok…lubs you lotz n lotz.❤you rock lil tuff guy????????????????????????????

  2. Maryann Stevenson
    Maryann Stevenson says:

    Have a happy ratato day Augie. Rest. Up little man and take care. Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you xo.


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