Happy Gotcha Day

The day that changed the rest of my life.  Seven years ago today.  Some people may think that is an exaggeration, but it’s really not.  He changed my life in so many ways that I could never have imagined.  I will love you Marty, foreber and eber.  MM

7 replies
  1. Glynis D
    Glynis D says:

    So much personality wrapped up in a tiny furry bundle.

    Thinking of you, our little rattie ambassador ????

  2. Kev Witt
    Kev Witt says:

    It’s most definitely not an exaggeration. I know exactly how you feel, the same thing happened to me. These precious, beautiful little souls are absolutely magical ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. Sylvia
    Sylvia says:

    Dear MM,
    I feel exactly the same “exaggeration” as you do!
    My little men bring so much joy and happiness every day again and again.
    And more.
    They mean so much to me.
    I hope they wiil also keep on making you and MD happy forever.


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