As some countries and states are starting to locking down again to fight dis birus, please keep dis in mind…

No matter what happens today….

And remember I am your real foreber President.  So hab a donut and relax!

Make sure you hab plenty snacks and socks near by.  Dis could be a crazy week.

Happy Halloweem eberybody!!  Dis Bean, the MerKing, and I am spending the day at the beach wiff the ladies ob @RatsHaveFeelingsToo (Mizu the crab, Heaven the jellyfish and Potato the omg….SHARK!!).  We hab lots ob candy and an outdoor mobie screen to watch scary mobies when it gets dark. There are no mummys, bampires, or ghosts out here, which is good, because no one needs dat kind ob trouble.  If you run into any zombies today, remember – 1.  Cardio  2.  DoubleTap.  3.  Beware of baffrooms.  It can be scary out there, so maybe you should just stay home and be safe.  BUT if you get a scary call and it’s coming from inside the house, then you should run outside immediately.  I guess it’s dicey either way, stay nimble and don’t go looking for trouble… just candy.

Dis is a great and safe way to spend Halloweem in the outdoors wiff friends.  Stay safe, be smart and from me and the ladies… hab a great Halloweem!!

P.S. if you hab any extra candy you don’t want, you can send it to me.