Dis is why it’s important to hire people you trust to work on your Internashunal Bizness stuff so you can take a nap when you feel like it.  dis Bean.

It’s time!! The calemdars are almost ready to send to the printing press and you can pre-order yours now!  We hab the old faborites, and some new ones, and wall ones, and desk ones, and Marty Mouse House ones, and Raccoon ones, and Mr. Fudge (the squirrel) ones, and kittens in cups… somefing for eberyone!
The image details will be up by the end of the week and they will be ordered wiffin the week.
Here is the link…

We’ve made a page about YOU – to lib on dis website foreber!!  If you hab a MartyMouseHouse mask and would like to be included, please email a photo ob you wearing your mask to martymousehouse@gmail.com or DM it to us on Facebook and we will add your smiling face.  Well, we can’t tell if you are smiling, but you know what I’m saying, eben if I sound a little muffled fru the mask.  😉

You can view the page here:  Marty’s Masked Minions

When you are on the interwebs today, say somefing nice to someone and try to make their day better! The world can be so scary, but an ounce ob kindness can make all the difference in somebodys day.  dis Bean.

P.S. I lub you!

When you wake up, before you go outside it’s really important to make sure the air is safe.  Stick your nose out just a little bit, and sniff…  You neber know.  Like right now where I lib, the skies are orange and the air smells like smoke, so it’s important to stay inside for safe filtered air.  I hope the air is good where you are!  Eberybody stay safe and hab a good weekend!  dis Bean.