Tag Archive for: Cosmo

How I Feel about Mondays

I hope you enjoyed your turkey dinner!  I made a punkin pie.  You want some?

Hai eberyone.  Dis is Cosmo Cumulus wiff another weather report.  I’m ok, but I will not be wearing my thunderstorm hat for awhile.  It’s really heaby and caused some neck strain.  I just got out ob the hospital and hab to wear dis brace for a few days while my muscles recober.  Eben thought it’s a workplace injury I will not be suing MNN at this time.  It’s not worff the litigashun hassles.  They gabe me a nice edible snack basket.  But I’m a professional and it’s my job to tell you about Hurricame Micheal which is headed for Florida right now.  Another hurricame dat is going be one ob the wettest we hab seen from the standpoint ob water.  So be safe, keep your snacks on a high shelf and hab a boat ready.  Ok, I hab to sign off, I need to get to my massage appointment.  Back to you…


Today we are in New Mexico for the UFO festibal!  Dis morning we bisited the UFO crash site ob 1947, nuffing was there, but if you used your imaginashun you could picture the whole ebent as it went down.  Larry told us all about it.  Before we continued on to the festibal, Cosmo wanted to stop and see the worlds largest pistachio, so we went there and he got a subenior.  There was a machine where you could put in monies, and it would turn it to subenior penny dat was all flat.  He got one ob those.  I hab to admit, it was a BERRY large pistachio.  I don’t fink you could eat it all.

Augie went to the museum ob the First Atomic Bomb. I fink it freaked him out a little.  He’ll be ok.

We all met up at the UFO Festibal and caught up wiff Larry there.  There was a parade, a dancing contest and lots ob snacks.  Not real alien snacks like pre-nutritib squeeg paste, more like people snacks. It’s kind ob funny, people fink Larry is a kid in a costume, not a real aliem!

Fanks Stephanie Ratcliffe – we had a great time in New Mexico!  Larry might start a legit aliem snack bizness there, your state seems open to it.

One ob faborite jobs in bizness is cord management, but mom neber seems to appreciate it.  Maybe she just wants all the fun to herself.  Dis Cosmo.