Hurricame Update

Dis Bean Bluster reporting from the safety and warmff ob our studio on the progress ob Hurricame Michael. Micheal rapidly went from a big storm to a major hurricame causing lots ob wind and water to mess alot of stuff up.   Cosmo Cumulus is out on disability and Augie Abalanche passed on this assignment, so to bring you details from the scene in Huntsbille AL, is our bisiting correspondent Anubis Nimbus.  Take it away Mr. Nimbus.

Hai Eberyone.  Dis Anubis Nimbus.  I hab taken some MSOB online learning classes, and I eben had science classes wiff Milo Megadoppler and Phineous Phogg, I fink I hab learned some stuff, so I will report to you on dis hurricame named Michael.  The clouds are rolling in, it’s getting dark, but I’m going to push to the center of the storm, because that’s what Augie Abalanche would do.  Wish me luck.

The sky is getting darker… it hasn’t started raining yet… but I just wanted to show you the Space and Rocket Center because it’s cool and my dad works here.  My dad is Dr. Kebin.  Ok, back to reporting the weaffer stuff. 

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